Common Credit Card Mistakes
Most people view credit cards as a necessity for their day-to-day transactions. Whether you wish to buy a car, house, an expensive mobile phone, or go on a dreamy vacation, a credit card appears to be an important financial tool to enable the same. However, most people are habituated to using their credit cards in ways that put their financial health in a lurch. Here are some of the common credit mistakes that you should steer clear from: Maxing credit card limit Maxing out your credit card limit is the most common and dangerous mistake most individuals tend to make. The more you max out your limit, the more your credit utilization ratio drives up. The credit utilization ratio plays an important role in the calculation of a credit score. If you max out your credit card often, then your credit score will go down drastically. Additionally, any loan that you apply for may take longer to be approved and you may not have a limit to use when you actually need it. Acquiring too many credit cards Having more than one credit card under your name may put your financial health at risk. It exposes you to potential harm from prospective lenders and can also damage your credit score.
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